Originally Posted by NLP-er
You wrote that my mod creates you lot of new tags - and now you are writing that no tag was created by this mod. I think that you mislead tag with tag association. You can clear all associations easily by mod in Admin CP. Note that it will not remove any tag, but no tag will be associated to any thread anymore. You can then set max tags limit for thread and after that generate associations by mod 
no what i said was it has created a lot of tags and that the sql queries you gave me to remove the tags affected 0 rows
that is different to not creating any tags.
i have turned tags off in my forum for now as there are currently 201 Pages in teh tags list which mostly consist of thigns like 001 and 888 and 1yr etc etc
i want to remove the tags which this mod has created. how do i do that???
Edit just to be clear i do not mean tag associations or any other feature in the mod i just mean how to get rid of tags because there is no delet all button or way of cliking all the tickboxes at once and im not about to sit there through 2 jhundred pages clicking one at a time