Originally Posted by webrats
im still having this error
00:31 22092009|/showthread.php?p=3232724|userid=1~Supplied template data does not cover the following tokens [threadurl, threadtitle] needed for template '{*actor*} posted a new topic for discussion, <a href="{*threadurl*}">{*threadtitle*}</a>.'
00:36 22092009|/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=280543|userid=1~Suppli ed template data does not cover the following tokens [threadurl, threadtitle] needed for template '{*actor*} posted a reply in <a href="{*threadurl*}">{*threadtitle*}</a>.'
You modified the templates and change thread_url with threadurl and thread_title with threadtitle. Please modify template again and they will work