Originally Posted by webrats
also this error
00:46 22092009|/register.php?do=signup&fbb=|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
01:28 22092009|/register.php?do=signup&fbb=|userid=0~A session key is required for calling this method
This is normal since most of this page request are from not connected members
Originally Posted by redlabour
1. Connect your Account at Forum and logout. Then log in at your Facebook Profile.
2. Try to log in at Forum with the "Connect with Facebook" Link at Forum.
3. The Bridge wants still register you again at the Forum.
The Bridge should save which Facebook Profil is allready connected to a Forumuser and has to prove this at "Connect with Facebook" Link.
Feature Reguest:
1. Option to see at ACP which and how much Users have registered at Forums using the Bridge.
2. Option to completely disable the Fan Photo Crap. 
Well, I wondering if you enabled auto login function or not? Because if you use that feature, you will be recognize and get logged in automatically. I have plan to change the display text and link to make it less confusing but currently, it can handle the job pretty well...
Also, I have plan to improve the back-end, let's see what will be available in the next release
About the Fan Photo, it's okie,
Originally Posted by fluentdesigns
I would like to add the Facebook Connect icon right under the Login fields in the Navbar bread crumb table. How would I do that so it shows up when not logged in and which template and where?
Well, there are several ways to do this but they are not complete solutions so... I will get back to your request later, okie? (Remind me sometimes if I forget :P)
Originally Posted by principino1984
it does... but with this mod you can still contact the user by the email..but with this mod you can disable registering with fb and let only login/connect with fb.
But with this mod you have so many other options!!!
ANd right now I don't find anything broken or not working!
Thank you Marco
Originally Posted by Veer
Every time I post a new thread i get this:
Warning: file_put_contents(fbb_showthread_complete.txt) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/fbb/hook_showthread_complete.php on line 52
Oops, will be removed