Originally Posted by The Geek
Are you using $title or $aminfo[title]? $title wont get trimmed, the latter will.
I'm using the $ameinfo[title]. Also, it's not abbreviating even in the container template, not just the definition. From what I've observed so far, it appears kind of random. In some cases it seems to be abbreviating fine and others it ignores or only works under a certain character count. It seems to be site by site.
Re: Merging, this makes sense if the post you merge into doesn't have ame in it, however it should work if the post you are merging to does (if that makes sense). Not sure it would be frequent enough to warrent the merge code, but will look into it!
You mean like if the earliest post already has an AME converted video in it, right? In the six cases I had to do a merge, all the posts had video. But I agree, I don't know if it's important enough to worry about, just thought I'd mention it.