Here are some of the screenshots highlighting the new features in 1.3 Beta:
Pagination with 6 pages, 10 posts per page. The number of posts to be displayed per page can be configure in the iPhone "Settings -> Tapatalk" section.
An extremely long thread with over 20,000 posts. Now displaying the 2335th pages. Note that you can swipe the pagination bar left and right to find the page you want.
If you tap on the "..." button, a "Jump To" screen will appear for you to enter the exact page you want to jump to, this is handy with you are viewing a long thread:
Other new feature over 1.2.1 includes Who's Online, you can tap the username to send him a private message:
And you can now customize which tabs you want to appear at the bottom. Note that if you put a tab on the first one on the left, this tab view will be loaded automatically when you enter this forum next time. This is handy e.g. if you want to read Latest Posts with only two tap on the Tapatalk app.