Originally Posted by Dylanblitz
Technically you uninstall and reinstall the full.
The uninstall doesn't delete any tables/data so you would uninstall the product, move the commercial files over and install the upgrade from free script. This will modify the tables to match the commercial product.
I did it this way so I could get rid of all the vb templates/phrases/plugins/etc while retaining the data.
Thanks that fixed it,
I just Got a PM from a User that he can't edit his Garage...
I some how lost the ability to edit my garage or post a time slip. What did I screw up?
The button that says 2006 Mustang had an arrow with editing choices last night. I deleted my first vehicle then re-entered again. Now the little triangle is gone and when I click on 2006 mustang it brings me back to the forum.
Any Ideas.