Originally Posted by gothicuser
I may have overstated my case a little but no, don't think so.
In my defence I will clarify my meaning.... If you (any coder) were to produce a VERY popular product, which you know has 3rd party addons/plugins (which should be fairly obvious) and you were then to change the very structure or code architecture of your original product, would'nt you feel even a little morally obliged to inform people that the addons/plugins may not work correctly until they themselves have been updated?
I'm pretty sure I would.
Obviously you aren't a coder or designed anything because that in itself is a huge task. And it's also not ethical. Why? Well since you feel the need to sit here and try and glorify yourself, you'd realize that EULA are made for a reason. Microsoft doesn't HAND out their code, nor notify all 20398209845023984502 companies. Instead those 2039208345298452394 companies have to dissect and update their products based on the platforms etc. Microsoft might give support, but they don't do what you claim or suggest. Big or small, no coder has that kind of time. kthankskyoulosekbai.