When I try to add an RSS feed to my forum, (appulo.us) I receive a connection timed out error whenever I try to run the scheduled task.
Few things:
- I have the URL correct. (
- I have RSS Syndication and XML Syndication enabled in my External Data Provider options in vBulletin options.
-The link works when I open it in my browser.
Can anyone shed any light on why vBulletin can't correctly process this?
Edit: Here's the error vBulletin throws. Not much description here.
Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to appulo.us:80 (Connection timed out) in [path]/includes/class_rss_poster.php on line 98
Warning: Unable to fetch RSS Feed in [path]/includes/class_rss_poster.php on line 231
Appulo.us RSS feed Unable to open URL or no data returned
Edit2: I just ran it through FeedBurner and it worked. Not sure why it wasn't working before but it works now so I can't complain. Possibly it had something to do with the structure of feed but it's resolved now. This can be closed now I suppose.