Been using this product for many moons...
Today, I stumbled upon an error, hence I don't know how long it has existed.
I happened to roll my mouse over the "Unread Posts" link (of which there were none) in the welcome box and noticed the following error message on my browser status line:[ARG:2 UNDEFINED]
If I click the Unread Posts link I get a white page and "Done" message in the status bar.
This forum is using several of Cyb's products, ry215's sidebar column, and this product. The only other customizations I've made are in the header, footer, navbar, and (one within ry215's sidebar product).
I was using the prior release 3.8.003. So I upgraded to current release this AM, reverted the navbar template, based on a warning in the instructions, and the error is still occuring.
I'm running vb 3.8.3. I get the error in all of my styles, including the Default style.
Any ideas?
BTW, the "New Posts" link in the navbar is working.