Good news and bad news on this update I'm afraid.
Bad news first. Due to various circumstances with different sites, I'm dropping support for some sites who've gone all wiggy on me for whatever reason. A couple I've already mentioned, but in full they are:
Imeem (Photos)
YouTube HQ/HD --for now.
Also, I'll no longer be using PDFMeNOt for Local Hosted PDF, since it's no longer a functional website. More on that later.
The good news is I have a few updates, which will not immediately be added to the ZIP files or Master XML, but you can download via this post for now. Remember to delete your old ones before importing the new ones. These include:
2K Sports --No longer called 2K Sports Part 1
2K Sports (Community) --No longer called 2K Sports Part 2
Break (User Content)
CBS News
CBS Sports
Imeem (Music)
Imeem (Video)
Imeem (Playlists)
Photobucket (Video)
***Local Hosted PDF
New (Or returned from the grave):
Project Playlist
Last.FM (Video)
Last.FM (YouTube)
Local hosted PDF will now be displayed through a standard iframe, so be wary of large documents or a bunch on one page.