1. why is it off centre, or is it cos I have ad block, which is hiding something.
2. main page looks very 1980's i bought a template off ebay style.
3. links and graphics for hardware, have no hover status, so difficult to ascertain at first glance if they are indeed a link.
4. the links within the header graphic, need incorporating better.
5. the product box graphic above the header. What is the point.
6. font looks crud, I would change it
7. header graphic, which seems to be on rotation...
http://gameframe.net/EN/images/banner_en.png at 170+kb is a tad big !
8. havent found the forums, I kinda gave up. Keep plodding away.
I recall the chick on that canadian geek tv proggy, with larry laporte or whatever his name was, stated... and reiterated the age old saying...
3 seconds to understand the website
3 clicks to get to where you wanna go.