Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
Once more to clarify this, "IB" did not release anything. An employee of IB is trying to share something they are creating with the community, just like any other coder who creates something for his own website and shares it with the community.
Is it run on an IB website? Yes
Is it run by an IB employee? Yes
There is no way this
does not reflect well for IB. Directly, or indirectly, they are responsible for how this mod plays out.
Originally Posted by BuCwIld
this mod has so much potential. however i will wait for the smoke to clear and the dust to settle before i download it.. i hope it does pan out. would love to use it. i just dont understand why this is up for mod of the month, if its so buggy and not supported
The mod is definitely buggy. Why's it up for MOTM? Because support was promised, and it has great potential. I didn't nominate it, I would (personally) have waited until it was stable to do so.
Originally Posted by ZiG
yea i don't have any of these problems either, its been running perfectly fine for me. there was a vbseo livestats issue, but the guys over at vbseo fixed it for me pretty quickly because they are awesome. besides that, this mod has probably got me over 300 new members...and it is working without any issues.
Without any issues, meaning you can close your browser and not have to login again? Of course not, because even on
their site that does that.
Without any issues meaning that you didn't have to edit anything to get polls working? Of course not, because, again, even on
their site that does that.
There are a number of issues with this mod. Admittedly, some of them are small, but a lot of them are pretty major.
And on that note, I'm done with this mod and thread. It sucks because I have provided a good bit of help and support, but considering the 2 infractions I just got for calling something what it is, I'm not going to risk it.
Good luck getting help with this, good luck getting whatever person @ IB to update their mod.