Originally Posted by Scalemotorcars
Still no luck. Ive changed ever alignment in the css and nothing changes in FF. I'm thinking it might be a misplaced html tag.
The last page that actually displays a products is ok Check here... http://www.scalemotorcars.com/forum/...cars.407114539
But all other catalog pages are wrong with the footer to the right. Do you know what script controls the catalog menu pages and the one that controls the actual product page. Maybe I can figure it out by comparing the two.
Lastly the issue is not as bad in IE only Firefox pushes it to the right. In IE its just off center but I know why. Its because I have the forum Spacer Size set to 25 pixels. If I set it to 0 its fine but then messes up the skin.
Thanks for the help. :up:
I remember I posted a CSS fix a few months back to try and deal with some issues. Give it a try and see if it helps at all.