Originally Posted by MicroHellas
LIMIT 1 is also correct plus it has an advantage. Try to query a table with 5,000 records using query_first and then using my style. Then count the elapsed time. After this you'll understand why I'm using LIMIT 1 and not query_first.
As I wrote before, lite version came out by subtracking functions and other parts of code. I'll check it and I'll correct the errors.
They don't work on Firefox only. Firefox understands on different way than the other browsers (not only IE), the meaning of 100% in width when there are other cells with fixed width. To make it more clear, if in a row there are 3 cells, 2 of them with specific width 100px and you want the 3nd one to have the rest available width, other browsers accept as width of 3nd cell 100%, while firefox not. Firefox needs to ommit "width" in the 3nd cell.
I'll check it.
They're not real bugs. The original (full version) works 3 months not without a single bug. The problem comes out when I'm removing features from the full version. By doing I'm always removing by mistake code that it must remain.
Yes, there is, but not available to public yet. I gave it just to 7 old clients, as I was ready to leave for vacations and had no time for support others.
thx for your answers