Originally Posted by Mr. W
This sounds cool. But I'm wondering about something.
If a moderator or administrator logs in, can he perform moderation duties? Like, edit posts, delete threads, and so on?
How about banning users?
If not then while this seems like a very cool idea, this would limit it's usefulness. My idea is this: Suppose I go on vacation? That way, I can keep logging in and perform moderation duties as if I was at home.
A variant for this that would instead work for the ACP and/or the MCP would be very cool. At least I have Opera on my Blackberry, but it's kind of slow and cumbersome.
____Alright, so I'm basically replying to myself. However, I found out the answer to some of the things that I was wondering about.
____If a moderator logs in, using this skin on his mobile phone, he will be able to delete threads. However, there doesn't seem to be a way for a moderator to undelete a previously soft-deleted thread. Not with this skin.
____Unfortunately, the functionality for editing posts doesn't seem to work right. There's no button to save the changes after making the edits. So, basically this means that moderators who log in using this skin will not be able to edit posts.
____In addition, there's no way for a moderator to ban another user while using his mobile phone. At least not with this skin, in it's current state.
____Another thing I noticed is that there could be some conflicts, or otherwise odd behavior if you install this skin, and have certain other modifications installed. For example, a shoutbox. It probably won't work too well on a mobile phone anyway, so you may need to make some changes so that a shoutbox, if you have one, won't show up on this skin.
____I realize that this skin is not yet perfect. It hasn't even reached the first version. However, it nevertheless is a very cool idea. With a little more work, it can be a lot better. But that's just my opinion.
Note: I performed this testing using a Blackberry Pearl, using the default browser that Blackberries have. I'll try to do some more testing, again with a Blackberry Pearl, but instead with Opera Mini.