Originally Posted by SirAdrian
IB does not produce vBulletin - Jelsoft produces vBulletin. It may be the same head hanchos but they are different companies.
IB should
not have put their name on it if they weren't going to keep it up to date, plain and simple, and yes, they did put their name on it.
Originally Posted by SirAdrian
2) It's still in beta
3) It's unsupported
I'll admit that you've got me on #1, but 2 and 3 are massively incorrect.
#2 - When a product is in
beta, you don't ignore your
beta testers and the bugs they report to you, you
fix them , in a timely fashion. This is how you reward your beta testers.
#3 - This
only recently went to unsupported because IB (the company whos name is behind this product) refuses to support it for better than a month. It was initially released as a 'supported' mod, which got people into installing it, on those grounds.
I have no problem working with beta software, as long as the author is responsible enough to
act on reports and get issues resolved in a
timely fashion. Now, I'm stuck with a mod that doesn't work and the author has essentially abandoned it.
The only person "ruining" this good thing? The author themselves. They promised support, lied while doing so, and now have basically abandoned the mod.