Warning, large image
This is a teaser for the 0.7 profile page. The drop down provides this list but I will be moving it to a tick list shortly
Ban & Cleanup (removes all posts / threads / PM / signatures / text fields in profile)
Delete User
Move to group
Ban IP
The large colour image has a toogle button to display the data in the cells or just the colour map, selectable in the options.
The rows in the "by relation" subnet data doesnt yet include the status on any cached spammer data. Refreshing the entire table could result in anywhere from a dozen to several hundred queries, so it will only be cached data if any is found. The red X shows a user already banned. Clicking on a user takes you to their profile. There will also be another table, which dispalys all that users posts, all posts "by relationship of subnet" as well.
Ive editted out some of the email and usernames to protect my test accounts
The full size image can be found at