New thread button posting to wrong forum
I recently moved my database and vBulletin to a new server and the move was relatively without hitches, however I am faced with an odd problem, which I cannot find an answer for...
Ok, so, let's say the "Off Topic" forum is forumid=22, and it has a child forum called "Games" which is forumid=23..
if I hit the new thread button in the "off topic" parent, it SHOULD go to newthread.php?do=newthread&f=22, creating the thread inside the "Off Topic" forum, HOWEVER this is not the case, and it creates a new thread in "Games"... So somehow the new thread button in the parent forum leads to the link which creates a new thread in one of the random child forums.. (in this case newthread.php?do=newthread&f=23)
It's somewhat bizarre and I haven't seen anything like this in my searches..