Originally Posted by DeviantFlash
Just a quick question. And sorry if it has been answered before.
I am still using the settings file from one of the earlier versions.
I installed the newest version tonight.
Are there any changes in the settings file that would neccesitate the upgrading of the settings file?
If you make changes to the settings within the settings tab they are storred in the DB, overwritting the settings file won't overwrite your settings. That said, yes, it has undergone a few updates and will see more.
Originally Posted by stusgarage
similar problem but a little different.
I have just installed it on my board...and get this when trying to start a bet...
where is the rest of it?
What are you missing, everything looks fine?
Originally Posted by segwayon
Should there be sound in the games, such as Roulette or slots?
No, sound is intentionally very limited. Notifications that it is your turn, warning that you are turn is going to time out, messages, people entering the room, etc.