There are several problems with the chatbox that need patching in the next version (or you can do them yourself if you want). They are found in includes/class_dm_mgccbchat.php and mgc_cb_evo_acp.php (they may also be elsewhere but i haven't seen it and am too lazy to look but if you have a 'wrong datatype in blah blah' this pertains to you)
They occur in many places, but the simplest way to find them is to do a search for "explode("
so you'll have an instance like
if (!empty($command['usergroupids']))
$command['usergroupids'] = explode(',',$command['usergroupids']);
now for the trained eye, it should be obvious that this will emit a warning on certain servers which given the files involved will interrupt js processing. So for the lot of you talking about changing jsloc and whatnot that really has nothing to do with it at all. Anyways back to the issue, if the string involved in empty then the variable is never declared as array and so blah blah it will emit a warning about in_array wrong second datatype. the fix therefore is
if (!empty($command['usergroupids']))
$command['usergroupids'] = explode(',',$command['usergroupids']);
} else $command['usergroupids'] = array();
and the same goes for all other instances of this. ( do not try to do fulltext searches for the code i added. simply search for explode's and look with your eyes. )
Note you will only experience these errors if at least one command has a blank userid and/or usergroupids. Additionally the problems occur most drastically (ie blank chatbox etc) for users who are part of secondary- and/or member- groups. This issue may have existed in prior versions as well.
\o/ /hand