Originally Posted by NTMID8
Not working for me... if I use a full http:// address the player does not show up. If I put the full URL in quotes, the player shows up but doesn't play. However, if I just use a relative path on my server, it seems to work just fine.
Any ideas?
See below, if you have the AME mod installed it will conflict and check your htaccess, if neither of those work PM me when you see this

Originally Posted by Fungsten
I'm getting the same thing. (VB 3.8.3)

) See below, if you have the AME mod installed it will conflict and check your htaccess, if neither of those work PM me when you see this

Originally Posted by Jon Tolzien
Great idea for a hack, but can I legally play some song that i don't have copyrights too.. doesn't that just open up the door for legal issues? I really don't write songs very much LOL. So what could i play then?
I've commented on this before and I too do not like illegal activities etc, you can use this at your own risk, I use songs that I have purchased online via Itunes and other online stores so I feel it is my right to play them but again think of it this way... if you find a url of a song perhaps off somewhere like beemp3.com and you find a DL link with a .mp3 extension just give that as the URL and guess what your just hotlinking to a song off another site, you won't be hosting one single song

There's always more than one way to skin a cat! (I would never, LOVE cats

Originally Posted by kmohamed
i like this mod but is there anyway to adjust the volume from the mp3 player
No, unfortuantely there is not... I won't be silly and say use the volume control on your speakers ROFL but instead try this mod...
I use it and love it too, nice little player
Use the search on here guys & gals
Originally Posted by Matrixthestar
not working
i followed the instructions
but nothing shows up
See directly below

and PM me if nothing works!
AND FYI for everyone, HostGator uses many more mod securities than some other hosts so if your having multiple problems with this, or other modifications specifically vBa CMPS and vBa Links you should have them temp disable to test and confirm that is in fact the problem.
Originally Posted by brandonroy
That doesn't seem to work either. Hmmm. I'm using hostgator - I don't know what the problem is.
Oh well!
Ahh HostGator, I bet it's the mod securities they have enabled on your server, if you have had other problems (specifically with vBa CMPS or vBa Links etc) then you must have them disable the mod securities. This mod also will not work if you have DJ's AME Mod installed.
For some who cannot get the mod to work etc, it is usally the AME mod, a Mod Security enabled on your server per your host OR something in your .htaccess file.
If you have an htaccess file add this to it:
RewriteEngine On
# Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?yoururl.com/.*$ [NC]
Replace the yoururl with your url, note I left the .com so if you are .net or .org change that, also leave the www as-is unless you have something setup like forums.yoursite.com etc etc.
Hope that helps some, and remember to always PM me if I do not reply promptly to your posts.