I fixed it VBDev.. I had to revert some templates to your new 2.4.1 template version. Seems that was the issue all along. PS:
MGC Chatbox Evo [ARCHIVE] and MGC Chatbox Evo created by MGC, Version 2.4.1, Copyright 2009 all rights reserved are not centered, how do I solve this?
Possible bug?
The "Activate the bot in the chatbox ?" was set to NO, but the bot answered me regardless when the option "user can talk to bot" enabled in the usergroup settings.
Can the bot also be a user rather than a guest? That you select the userID to use. I love this feature though!
Just an idea.. An option for the bot to private message the person rather than saying it in the chat box? So we can choose either display in chat or private message
Another bug report:
The "me" plugin/command is bugged. Once it is enabled, it'll display a "Loading ..." issue, which displays on all themes. Is this known or... Is it only me? I reinstalled everything, and the rest is working fine for me now.
Seems to happen with "announcement", "ban" , "del" "ignore", "announcement" and "slap", the others seems to work.
VBDev, with the above commands. when the commands are enabled, but the user is not on the list of "allowed to use", it'll stuck the using in the "loading ...." issue. For example, try to enable the "del" command and remove yourself from the allow list so the usergroup list is empty that are allowed to use it. You should be stuck in "loading ...." as well.