Originally Posted by nectons
I had the 2.03 and everething was works perfect. Until now. I installed the 2.2.1 and something strange hapent. My style stressed allot specially in VBA and i have lost the text inside the msg chatbox
Before it was nothing translate inside the chatbox and i was ok with it. But now it is not working at all.
And the forum home page it is stressed a bit but not too mutch. VBA it is completely wrong.
Please take a look at my page my friend and CONCRATS for the GREAT work
edit: OK... i found that in IE i have the problems only. In FF everething works prefect. BUT.. it DOESNT translate the TOP STATS (in IE it is working in top stats too!) and offcource the chatbox it remains unchange.
VBA also works perfect (translates everething and the graphics is perfect without stressing) !
Maybe this helps to find whats going on
edit2: and another one thing.. The translation in FF it is 2 times (maybe better) FASTER than in IE 
Assuming - what is the issue right now?