Hi All,
Could someone please help me. I'm new to this and not sure what to now. I was trying to install the MGC Chatbox Evo 2.3.2 and right after I did step 4 my forum went down. I cannot even get into the Admin CP area, although it gives me the admin login page, but after I put password and ID I get page cannot be displayed.
Stupidly enough I did not backup my files. What should I do now?
These are the instructions I was following
Follow the following install instructions:
1. Upload the content of the Files folder in your forum root.
2. Upload the content of the Images in each of your forum styles directories.
3. Log into the admin control panel of your forum and import the product located in the Product folder.
4. Go in the Download/Upload item of the Language manager menu and then:
1. Select the English language file from the Lang folder.
2. Select the forum language to overwrite.
3. Set the Ignore language version option to YES.
4. Launch the upload.
5. Edit the posbit and postbit_legacy templates and add: $mgc_cb_evo_postbit
where you want the number of chats of the users to appear in their posts on the forum (if you activate the option).
6. Installation is finished, you just have to set the permissions of your usergroups so that they can see the chatbox, configure the chatbox settings, manage the available commands and if necessary add channels.
Thanks a million in advance