Originally Posted by NLP-er
Yes  Jaryx is helping me for a while by accessing his forum. Many small bugs with URL tracking on his forum was discovered and debugged there. If I would made this mod only for myself I wouldn?t care about others configurations. I made it also for others and I spend my time to make this mod working for others forums configurations.
Jaryx helps me to help him  That?s why he has working this mod in 100%. His forum is not in subdirectory. So if someone really wants SEO links for forum placed in subdirectory then I will gladly give it to him as fast as he will give me playground. As far (besides you) no one cares enough to let me help him in that. If no one cares about this, It means for me that no one cares about having SEO links in forums placed in subdirecory  And If no one cares about this I have no reason to spend my time to do this... It is so simple
I think some people will really appreciate your effort if you give me opportunity to help them, even if they don't care to match about this I think they will be happy to have it. So I will gladly welcome your test forum with vbSEO and subdirectory in URL, which will give me opportunity to make this mod even better
Thank you 
I working on creating a test forum .... will take me a bit ... I will let you know.