Here is another - maybe useful - change... If you have vbexperience installed!!!!! (else there will be some nice error drops *g*) you can do some changes and the best-ranked user will be viewed... I don't know, if the xperience-points are actual everytime, so this is a fast and dirty change, don't set to much hope in it. You should backup your product xml before the changes, maybe something failes...
// After this changes, the mod is an "User of the Moment"-Mod i think, cause the experience points are dynamic and recalculated more often?
Open the product xml and search for:
$sql = $vbulletin->db->query_read("Select userid, username, avatarrevision From ".TABLE_PREFIX."user
Where userid = $uid");
The line can change a bit, cause there are linebreaks inside... if you doesn't find this line, search for:
$sql = $vbulletin->db->query_read("Select userid, username, avatarrevision From
Should be the same line, whatever i haven't tested it.
Replace the line/s with the following code. If you are unsure, you mustn't replace the line, you can write the code below the line you found.
$sql = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT userid, usergroupid, username, avatarrevision, xperience From ".TABLE_PREFIX."user WHERE (usergroupid <> 6 AND usergroupid <> 8) order by xperience DESC LIMIT 1");
This SQL statement filters the usergroups with the id 6 (Admins) and 8 (Banned) from the experience top list. So these usergroups won't be shown. You can add or remove the usergroups in this statement... to add a ignored usergroup, you hafe to wirte "AND usergroupid <> X" after the "8". X is the placeholder for the usergroup. It's pretty simple.
If you are unsure, do not change anything and only copy the code.
Next search for:
If you found it, add below:
$uid = $yaz['userid'];
So. That's all the magic. Go to Admin CP and reimport the manipulated product xml... don't forget to change to "override product" else it won't work.
Maybe you could give some feedback, i think it should work but i'm not that sure.
If you get SQL Errors, you can easily reimport the original product xml.
The templates won't change via reimport.
I hope, the next release will have this stuff all inside and maybe some nice xperience-bridged-options...