Originally Posted by john2k
The main goal with CDNs, the way I understand it, is to reduce network latency by reducing the distance between the end us er and the content..
Actually that is only one "main goal" of a CDN.
We find that using a CDN also significantly reduces the load on the primary server. Here as some example stats from our CDN provider for our site, and this is off peak:
Last 30 Minutes Data Trans: 578.03 MB
Last 30 Minutes Total Hits: 106,167
Last 30 Minutes Hits/sec: 59
Last Hour Data Trans: 1.14 GB
Last Hour Total Hits: 214,881
Last Hour Hits/sec: 60
Last Day Data Trans: 19.73 GB
Last Day Total Hits: 3,739,688
Last Day Hits/sec: 43
Last Week Data Trans: 108.18 GB
Last Week Total Hits: 21,048,256
Last Week Hits/sec: 35
Taking 43 hits per second off any server improves performance. So, CDNs provide both better delivery globally, and better origin server performance.
Also, there is a huge difference between "the theory of using a CDN" and actually using one. I find it a more-than-funny having folks who do not use a CDN to be explaining to me, using a CDN that serve over 20 million objects a week, the benefits of a CDN.