Originally Posted by EcoCav
I found a few other things, not sure if they are bugs or not.
When you go to the garage main page (/forum/garage.php) the Top Timeslips block are listed slowest to fastest. Would it be possible to add the members name to the timslip block too? If there are more then 5 slips, it removed the fastest slips.
In the ACP, under the CND Garage left menu pane you can change the sort order. The problem with adding the user to that block is there is a lot of data in it and everything would get squished. But if you want it I can give you directions on what to edit
Originally Posted by EcoCav
On the "Latest Vehicle Comments" block it says "Posted Date" but lists the car owners name.
On the includes/garage_func_var.php on line 2262 Change
'ThirdCol' => $vbphrase['garage_thead_posteddate']
'FourthCol' => $vbphrase['garage_thead_posteddate']
Originally Posted by EcoCav
Another problem I found was the Top Rated Vehicles. No matter how many times someone votes on a members car, it wont go above 10.00/10, if you vote a lower number, it still stays at 10.00/10.
10 out of 10 is the highest, not sure why you would want it to go higher? As to it not going down, I'm not sure why it's doing that. On my dev system it's working correctly. I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.
Originally Posted by EcoCav
Would it be possible to have a larger "Add Vehicle" button on the main page? Many of my users where unable to see the Add Vehicle link.
I'll try and think of something better then having it on the main menu bar. It does blend in a little too much. I tried having it on the row with the vehicles but if you have more then 5 vehicles it would screw up the layout.