Originally Posted by pedigree
I have and will but not a task to be run lightly. If you have , say, 2000 members and you want to check them all, thats 2000 (minimum) remove queries. As we only allow 5000 per day, thats a good slice is a daily allocation. What I might do uis build it around the daily downloadable (5am EST I think) CSV file. This would allow for every detail to be checked - registration ip, last activity ip, username, email address
What I did for the time being was to export the entire Users table in the PHPmyAdmin product as a CSV file, deleted all the unimportant fields, then I designed a form in VB.NET to open the exported CSV file, parse it line by line and add the contents into a listbox, and then roll through the listbox, serially building a URL string with all 3 parameters as you had showed us, and parse the returned pages for the markers on whether they were identified as spammers. Since our board has only 500 members it went well.