Originally Posted by Carnage-
I've updated with the version from my dev board. It includes a much cleaner UI and a couple of other features i was working on.
No legal move enforcement, however i've been convinced that this is a necessary feature and will include it in the vb 4 version of this product (and provide a backport to this version)
Thanks. We will try the next release and comment
OBTW, we are not going to upgrade to vB 4.0.
We have not found the recent Jelsoft upgrades to add much value, so please make sure your next major release also works with the older versions like 3.7 and 3.8, please. Thanks. We will not upgrade to 4.0 anytime soon, unless there is a "killer app" in the release, and we have not found any of the releases over the past few years to have any "killer app" and they simply cause us a lot of work with little to no benefits