Originally Posted by EcoCav
I have a few other issues, not sure if you will want to adjust them.
Where we race, our times are like this on our slips "R/T: 0.3261" (they go to the ten thousandths)
But when entered into the TS garage, it rounds them to R/T: 0.33" (only goes to the hundredths)
We have a lot of members with 0.0047 and 0.0042 Reaction times. Is there anyway you can have all the timeslip information go to the 0.0000 = ten thousandths?
Also is there a way to remove the "vehicle of the month" after you have put it on a user?
You know, I didn't think about removing it heh. I'll put that in there. Right now, when you select someone else for VOTM it removed it from the last one.
On the TS, I thought they went out 3 places. Rounding it to 2 was a mistake for when the data is displayed, it does store the data as 3 places out. I'll make it go to 4 and upload the new files.