I'm just beginning to understand the ins and outs of BBCoding, but I do believe that this should be relatively easy, but I just cannot get it to work. Essentially I'm looking tryong to covert an HTML image code to multi-option BBCODE (a couple of different ones actually).
This it a sample of the easier HTML, the :
<img src="http://www.imageurlhere.gif" align=left hspace=10 alt="image description">
As it is the code it likely very recognizable by most of you (and if this question is posted elsewhere, I do apologize for the duplication. I looked and did not find it.)
Now, I know that it is the {param} and {option} items that I need to use in the BBCode manager, but I simply cannot figure it out for some reason. The items in blue are of primary interest, the items in red are "wishful thinking" options.