BUG I noticed while Testing is:
When I Introduce the 2 Image Codes (Captchca), and they're wrong and I click the Go Back Button of the Browser and Re-Introduce the Codes, ALL the Times I Get a Captchca Code Verification Error, not even by Refreshing the Capthca Codes I can Pass this Second Step; I have to Return to the First Step of the Registration Process, Accept Again the Rules, and Re-Introduce the Codes and E-mail Again for it to Go On; I Know that but Current Users Won't Know What to Do in that Situation.
I Hope You Can Fix that, because Many Users Won't Introduce Well the Codes; Perhaps would be Better to Re-Upload the Complete Page Again (Bringing the Introduced E-mail) and Notify about the Error on the Top of the Page, (like in the Final Step of the Registration Process where Username, E-mail and Password are Asked, and of course the Captchca Verification Code if Decided to Use it on that Final Step of the Registration Process).
My Best Regards.