Now mod supports translation tracking even when redirection by some mod occures - this includes getting of issue for new posts
Every time when some mod will made redirection just ignoring translation, my mod will made another redirect to freshest url, but with language settings. Also because local anchors are not send to server (i.e. #something) - those are lost during 2nd redirection. But it is displayed appropriate page in appropriate translation - just have to scroll manually to #something place
Also new configuration param was added for this functionality - translation cookie time to live. It is by default set to 1 second and it should be enough for everyone, since it is only for automatic redirection which are instant (page can load longer, but this is after redirection was already send). So if you see that sometimes id donesn't work - just make time higher. Just not to high, cause in this time it is not possible to come back to original language by changing URL in browser (but clicking in forum default language flag clears cookie and allows to come back). As I wrote cookie lives 1 second, so no user should be fast enough to go to translated page, see what is there, change manually URL in browser and pres enter

So be calm - I was already thinking about this - it is good solution