Images Added:
Image one is NAVBAR link
Image two is BANNER link ( please ask me for this code )
Image three is the FanBox after it has SLID in
Some confusion, about the code:
Ok see below
______________________________________STEP 3
Just goto
Then when complete, in Left Hand Menu click Create FAN BOX for site.
Click Include Stream and Include Fans.
Then in Choose where to add it: select Other
You will get some custom code. Highlighted in RED below is our custom code, so replace with your OWN.
<!-- Code for the left panel british expats australia yobromofo facebook-->
<div id="dhtmlgoodies_leftPanel">
<a class="closeLink" href="#" onclick="initSlideLeftPanel();return false">Close</a><br />
<div id="leftPanelContent">
<!-- This is the content for fan box from FACEBOOK-->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">FB.init("c679e58f8333c747d4d0cbc7360ac 93b");</script><fb:fan profile_id="153844529675" stream="1" connections="10" width="300"></fb:fan><div style="font-size:8px; padding-left:10px"><a href="">British Expats Australia</a> on Facebook</div>
<!-- End content from facebook FAN BOX-->
<!-- End code for the left panel british expats australia yobromofo facebook-->