Originally Posted by CThiessen
i think the first one will never work with this Mod.
The "pro" is a "stand alone" software with vBulletin Integration.
The "Gallery" is a vBulletin Add on.
So the translation is working with the following Add-ons. In the Glossary the Links shown in Post for Cross linking are rewritten. In that case the tracking is not working, you are going back to main Language.
But if you use the Glossary and it is well filled, this is very content relevant - and now content in many languages.
Greetings Christian
My mod works with vB

all about this

Good that you have Photopost vBGallery
Not fully understood issue with glosary. So tracking is working there or not? What mades URL rewrite there? To what format? Tell me how I can see this issue on your forum?