Killer mode (many thanks for it) Installed, nominated and I gave best mark

But you put me to work

, need to uninstall and install this on 2 other forums that have simple autotagger.
Suggestion: add a confirmation page between clicking ( for example) Create propositions from all ... or other links that jump to action immediate. (a page like " Are you sure you want to Create propositions from all ... - Proceed / Maybe later

This can prevent accidental clicking on the link and execute tasks you don't want. After you clean many tags you don't want to start again.
Also a small description of what going to happen if u proceed in confirmation page is great (just copy paste from mod description where u did great job in explaining)
This will prevent the damn I didn't knew it will do this situations ...
Did I mention is great mod
Why? (a little advertising for you)
I have a board with 120k messages and finding your way to previous posted info is very hard using search functionality. Some users do search on google and name of the board and find easier things they are looking for than with vb built in search.
Making a clean and meaningful tagging system is precious on a professional forum for example. Any other forum can have this too.
I admit is some work to do first , but then sit back and enjoy