Sorry for the late reply guys I was attacked with flu virus...and the day I was sick I took down the DnP Network forum to recode some part so it was not up for access for the last 2 days.
Originally Posted by matthewhotdude
Yea I really wanted this
DnP Instant! Box and Playlist on Forum Index
This is a paid plugin by DnP. I'm not the author that is why I cannot provide it for free. You can find more detail about this plugin at
[Info] DnP Instant! Box and Playlist on Forum Index
Originally Posted by chick
Yes I noted those links don't work either and I want unbranded, the playlist and some support, which is more important (support).
Again how to fix this?
(output started at [path]/includes/adminfunctions.php:279) in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 3087
and the admin text color on the music.php page
Let me have a quick guess, are you using vB 3.7 or < 3.8.3 ? I heard some of my friends report the same notice appears, and back a few pages in this thread someone already mentions it. It is not an error and not critical. The notice can simply be ignored since the error reporting feature of vB 3.7 was a bit sensitive.
Originally Posted by RTMdotORG
Heres the problem im having... the Share with a friend link is not working...
any ideas?
You can easily config everything of the musicbox via Configurations option, located near the bottom of music.php , when you logged in as Administrator.