Originally Posted by Calash
Not sure if it is laziness or something else. He is associated with IB and there may be something else going on. Perhaps some toes got stepped on or some SOP violated by this release. It could even be that priorities shifted and the resources are not dedicated to VB4.0
In any case I am happy to put my coding ability, be it somewhat limited, to use in helping the community. I really do like this mod and once you work out the bugs it does a really good job.
OH, no, it's laziness.
This is the most pathetic attempt at "support" I've seen in a mod in a very, very long time. Ignoring customer requests, you know, the people that
pay the bills?
I'd say this is amost as bad as the original mod doing this very same thing. It's pathetic that developers
ignore their customers because they want to , nothing more. Blame it on "our other forums" all you like, but you have over 13 pages of requests and problems that you have blatantly
ignored for close to a month not.
How are we
supposed to take this? That IB
wants our business, or
wants to improve their product? No, I'm afraid, it's not going to be taken that way. Just the opposite, in fact.
You place a mod on your own forums and call it "supported", then ignore the requests for support.
This mod should be moved to the graveyard, because it most definitely is
not stable
or supported, as the author claims