Expire a User Account on a given day
I have integrated vBulletin with another system, the users sign up to an account which then programmatically creates the relevant user account in vBulletin, creates the cookies whenever they sign in to the other system and all log outs reroute back to the site. This all works fine.
What I am having an issue with is expiring accounts, when the user signs up for an account on the other system it is valid for 1 year only, after that time the account becomes invalid and is no longer usable. I need to do the same thing in vBulletin and from what I can tell there is no concept of an account being valid or invalid based on a date.
Any advice on how to do that, ideally when the account is created (set a date in the future to expire), or worst case in bulk once a day, i.e. a bulk extract of expired users which I then feed in to vBulletin. Also ideally this needs to be an automatic process rather than manual.