Originally Posted by sherrym
Thank you for your mod!! I installed it in two V3.8.4 forums and all went very well. The third install, however, throws an error. By looking at what is below, is it possible to tell me where I went wrong? Reinstalled twice, but no joy.
It sure would help if you would tell me
exactly what the error is and when it occurs.
products: albums photopost vbgallery photoplog (lite version)) photoplog_categories (pro version) photoplog_useralbums (pro version) cndgarage
Do you really have all possible products installed? Photoplog in two different versions? Difficult to believe...
Photopost Settings (from config file, only if photopost is selected product)
Datadir: /
Other DB?:
If indeed you have Photopost Pro installed, as you have set in AdminCP, there are settings missing in the config file.
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'/forum/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=2073\'><img src=\'/forum/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=2073&thumb =1\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a> ',' ')"><img src="http://dolforum.com/forum/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=2073&thumb =1" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Images query
SELECT pictureid, albumpicture.albumid FROM albumpicture INNER JOIN album ON albumpicture.albumid = album.albumid WHERE userid = 1 AND albumpicture.albumid = 5 ORDER BY pictureid DESC LIMIT 0, 9
Albums query: SELECT albumid, title FROM album WHERE userid = 1 ORDER BY title
Those look pretty normal, from what I can say.
Of course, those are completely useless if you take your domain out. You need to test them: Do those links work? Do they show the images?
Table building (rows and columns)
[td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1]
This looks weird. The table building process is incomplete, so there might be an error when processing the fifth image (first four are there).
Anyway, as long as you don't tell the exact error, this is guesswork.