Thanks for the look and suggestions. I corrected the repeat-x on the background (I think).
You guys are exactly right in noting that the forums are busy and confusing to people not familiar with forums. We have a lot more 'other' traffic on the static side vs. the forums. The "logo" picture is large on is the same uniformly throughout the static site and the online store as well as the forums. My goal is to make sure people know they are still "with us" when they navigate from outside the forums to inside the forums. Actually the static site came first and I suspect much of our 'unregistered' traffic is people who are not active in the forums but still keeping up with things.
Are there many of the forums on that have static sides to websites? Is this a common thing to do? Is it a waste of time? It is difficult to gauge because people rarely fill out any 'Contact Us' emails...we just have to go by page views.
Similarly, what about online stores? Are most, some, or very few of the admins here running onlinestores as part of the same url? Why or why not? Necessary? Burden??
Don't you hate questions?