Kudos on taking the time to redo the table mess, I've done this several times so I can understand the amount of work that goes into it.. (ugh).
Anyways.. There's a few things that I need to kind of rant about here. The new markup offers very little semantics, and no easy hierarchy to follow. Try disabling styles on your forum page, you should still be able to easily follow that and know where you are on the page. There's no heading tags, there's no correctly placed divisions, etc. The forumhome template lists out forums, right? So if it's a list of forums, why is it not in a list in HTML?
Here's kind of an example of what I mean. Your forumhome with disabled styles:
Now here's an example of my forumhome with disabled styles:
If you're just going to replicate a table structure with divs, why not just use a table? Now, since there is no table head telling you what you're viewing, a visitor has no idea what the two numbers mean in the list. Are they views? Post counts? Threads started? What exactly are they?
It just looks like you've over complicated things quite a bit, markup wise. I'm all for getting rid of nested tables, but just to replicate what a table looks like? I mean.. : shrug : What's the point?