Check for references, make sure the service providers are established members or have an established reputation as a developer. If it's not obvious initially, ask for references or do some research.
You have to understand that regardless of where you go, all of these things are important. Not only are you dealing with online work, but you are also dealing with intangible goods (which paypal doesn't support very well - making it easy for scammers). Even if a system were made, you honestly think a scammer won't register under a different username and repeat the process? Sure it'll stop them for a few days maybe or maybe even make 1 or 2 week-minded give up, but there will always be more and you will always need to be prepared.
My guess on why they haven't implemented it is because they feel they've already gone above and beyond with the forum itself and don't want to participate fully in the commercial world of vBulletin - as we've learned over recent years. They've discussed this in the past but regardless we won't see anything (if there is anything to see) till they upgrade - as the org and .com need to maintain the latest versions always for showcase.
I definitely feel for everyone who's been scammed, but like I said - no one can save you from this but yourself in the long run.