problem with *THIS* forum (
<a href=" " target="_blank"></a>
I made a post to that thread, went back to edit it. It saved my original post and appended ANOTHER (identical post). I did this a couple times before noticing what it was doing.
Then I clicked to edit one of the posts, and it edited ALL 3 of the posts of mine that it appended - when all along it was supposed to just re-save the current post I was editing.
I've never seen this happen before... ( ? )
I originally posted #36 to that thread. Edited it after, saved it. It added saved it along with adding a duplicate #37. I edited that and changed the post to 'delete'. It changed #36, #37, and added yet another, post #38 - all saying 'delete'.
Anyway, there's now *6* replies by me to this thread, when all I made was 1 (and edited it a couple times to try and fix whatever bug was happening).