Originally Posted by Bawtneez
Love the product, just a couple of questions though..
1. For some reason [seen this issue in above posts] when I try to move the drop down box to a different area in the navbar, it wont move.
2. Is there any way for me to take out the "My Moods:" text in the post bit? Ive searched the product.xml file but couldnt find anything
I'll get back to you on question 1.
For your other problem find
vmoods_postbit Template and remove the code highlighted in red. Once you do this you'll need to go into the css file and adjust the padding accordingly.
<div class="vmoods_postbit_<if condition="$vboptions['legacypostbit'] == true">legacy_</if>$vboptions[vmoods_icon_set]">
<img src="$vboptions[bburl]/vmoods/$vboptions[vmoods_icon_set]/$post[vmood].gif" alt="$post[vmood]" title="$post[vmood]<if condition="empty($post['vmood']) == false"> - $post[vmood_updated_at]</if>" width="{$vmood_width}px" height="{$vmood_height}px" border="0" />