Originally Posted by Chief Corn
The double posting bug is still in there for me unfortunately. I uninstalled and reinstalled the mod to make sure, but I can still reproduce it. After running ha_revote.php it's fine to vote, but if I clear the rating history, and vote again it double posts.
There aren't any other reports of this happening from other users so I'm wondering if it's just my end. I was thinking of just setting up ha_revote.php as a cron job, but I don't see myself clearing the rating history at all once my forum gets going.
Anybody with a test forum want to test this out?
No other users have reported double posting aside from during an import process. This leads me to believe there is either a change to the modification or another modification impacting this one.
For your next step please try the attached helpfulanswers.php file which will tell you if a new record is being created or if there is an update. If there are already votes on a post you should ONLY get an update.
If you are seeing created instead of updates you will need to check that the field totalrank is getting populated in the table helpfulpost.
You can do this with the simple query: SELECT totalrank FROM helpfulpost WHERE postid = X
X is the id of the post.