Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
Hey NLP-er,
Here is another thing for your "TODO" list
It is pretty easy to integrate Geotargeting by GeoIP into vBulletin.
Basically, you can have an option that when a user visits from a country, say Japan, the page is automatically redirected. For example, search referral visits from Spain, Spanish page is shown etc.
There is an old, unsupported vB mod that, with a minimal amount of work, can easily be integrated with this mod, and they fit together very nicely too
I already implemented this, but before testing I had to stop. How exactly it should work to still allow users change languages? If I force redirection then user will not be able to see other languages if he want. Also what with spiders - does spiders are using language headers?...
Just forcing redirection is weak strategy. User will use flag and will be redirected back to his browser settings...