We upgraded from 3.6 to 3.7 and found nearly ZERO benefit. Our users don't care about the social groups, the blog add-on is lame, etc. 3.8 added nothing useful. I suspect 4.0 is the same.
The "killer app", if there one, is the forum.... all the follow on fluff is basically useless.
Plus, important features like "CDN-friendly" and other key topics are ignored for fluffy features that few users care about.
So, my suggestion is don't waste your time waiting for a future Jelsoft release, because the "new releases" have little value-added. We use 3.7 and it is great. 3.8 adds nada, and 4.0 adds nada again.
Sorry, but the development line has gone "stale" in my humble experience with nearly 3.5M PVs per month. They only way we can realize value is to code ourselves now. This is the fact.