Originally Posted by Nadeemjp
i am having YAAS running and i have not used activity award yet.
should i delete the awards? i mean i dont know which award is using the thread necromancer
secondly when i upgraded, i first copied the files via ftp and then imported xmls of all the addons and the product itself.
did i do something wrong?
YAAS has nothing to do with vBExperience. Go to AdminCP, Experience, Manage Awards - and edit the award that has the Thread Necromancer.
Originally Posted by Nadeemjp
and now this error when i tried to create category in experience awards
Same error due to thread necromancer.
Originally Posted by original'as
Great plugin. excatly what I was looking for. It would be even more cool to have some goals. For example: write 5 posts to unlock "first five" achievement or something like that. There could be a lot of achievements for adding friends, get you thread sticked and all other similar stuff.. 
Achievements are included in vBExperience 3.8.5 - you can download the beta 1 from few posts above and test it.
Originally Posted by original'as
Made a little design tweak, I think it's a bit better:
Just open
Styles & Templates > Search in Templates > enter xperience_gfx > and replace all code with
<div align="left">
<if condition="$vboptions[xperience_bardescriptions]">
<table width="$vboptions[xperience_bar_width]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td colspan="3"><div class="smallfont"><a href="xperience.php?go=earn">$vbphrase[xperience_points]</a>: $xperience[points], $vbphrase[xperience_level]: $xperience[level]</div></td>
<if condition="!$vboptions[xperience_hidepostbitgfx]">
<table width="$vboptions[xperience_bar_width]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr style="background-image:url($vboptions[bburl]/xperience/images/grey_faded.png)">
<td width="5" height="11"><img alt="$vbphrase[xperience_level_up]: $xperience[level_up]%, $vbphrase[xperience_points_needed]: $xperience[level_up_points]" src="$vboptions[bburl]/xperience/images/grey_left.png" height="11" /></td>
<td width="100%" height="11"><img alt="$vbphrase[xperience_level_up]: $xperience[level_up]%, $vbphrase[xperience_points_needed]: $xperience[level_up_points]" src="$vboptions[bburl]/xperience/images/grey.png" width="$xperience[level_up]%" height="11" /></td>
<td width="1" height="11"><img alt="$vbphrase[xperience_level_up]: $xperience[level_up]%, $vbphrase[xperience_points_needed]: $xperience[level_up_points]" src="$vboptions[bburl]/xperience/images/grey_right.png" height="11" /></td>
It seems this is a reduced version. I like it and will include it as an alternative. Thanks!